Recent meetings


British Seismological Meeting (BSM2024)

The British Seismology Meeting aims to bring together seismologists from the UK and abroad, from both industry and academia to present and discuss a wide range of seismological research.

When: 25th – 27th March 2024
Where: Reading, UK

Details: BSM2024


Seismic Imaging: Applications in the energy transition and beyond, 24 – 26 October, Burlington House and virtual via Zoom

Seismic reflection data allow us to generate unrivalled images of the subsurface, and have become one of the most widely used geophysical surveying techniques for imaging the subsurface, using compressional (P) and, sometimes, shear (S) waves. Whilst hydrocarbon exploration has traditionally driven innovation in subsurface imaging, these methods are now equally vital for the emerging industries of the energy transition.he British Seismology Meeting aims to bring together seismologists from the UK and abroad, from both industry and academia to present and discuss a wide range of seismological research.

This conference will showcase how the latest advances in acquisition, processing, and interpretation of seismic data, both active and passive source, have illuminated fundamental geological phenomena. It will explore how these advances play a vital role in emerging geoenergy solutions as part of the energy transition. It will bring together the geoscientists across industry, academia, and the public sector, to highlight this vital role in characterizing the subsurface and investigating rock and fluid distribution from depths of several metres to several kilometres.

Machine Learning in Geophysics UK Meeting, 11-13 September, 2023, University of East Anglia

Machine Learning (ML) is a sub-field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that experienced a rapid growth in the last 10 years across diverse industries.

The aim of this New Advances in Geophysics meeting is for the UK geophysics community to bring together researchers that already use ML or want to learn more about it. The sharing of knowledge and techniques will result in less duplicated work, and hence more time advancing the science and understanding.

BGA Postgraduate Research in Progress Meeting, 7 -8 September, 2023, Edinburgh

The PGRiP meeting is an annual gathering of geophysics PhD students. PGRiP is organised by students, for students. It offers PhD students an opportunity to network and discuss your latest work with your peers in a friendly environment. Whether you are presenting a poster, giving your first talk, or practising for larger conferences, everyone is welcome!

PGRiP 2023 website



BGA Postgraduate Research in Progress Meeting, 14-16 September, 2022, Cambridge

The British Geophysical Association (BGA) Postgraduate Research in Progress (PGRiP) meeting is an annual gathering of geophysics PhD students.

PGRiP is organised by students, for students. We offer an opportunity to network and discuss your latest work with your peers in a friendly environment. Whether you are presenting a poster, giving your first talk, or practising for larger conferences, everyone is welcome!

More information is available on the website:

BGA Postgraduate Research in Progress Meeting 2022 

British Seismological Meeting, 12-14 September, 2022, Cambridge

The British Seismology Meeting (BSM22: New advances in multi-disciplinary seismology) aims to bring together seismologists from the UK and abroad, from both industry and academia to present and discuss a wide range of seismological research.

More information is available on the website:


Magnetic Interactions: #MI2020, 9-10 January, 2020, Southampton

The next edition of the annual Magnetic Interactions conference took place at the National Oceanography Centre Southampton (University of Southampton Waterfront Campus) on 9-10 January 2020.

MI2020 welcomes all contributions on research related to palaeo-, archaeo- and geomagnetism, rock and environmental magnetism, magnetic fields / properties of other planetary bodies and/or magnetism in general. We especially welcome contributions by early career researchers and aim to stimulate discussions about science in progress and the latest results.

More information is available on the MI2020 website:

A short report on the meeting can be found here


PGRiP 2019: 29-30 August, 2019 Bristol

The British Geophysical Association (BGA) Postgraduate Research in Progress (PGRiP) meeting is an annual two-day gathering of geophysics PhD students from across the UK.

PGRiP is organised by students, for students. We offer an opportunity to network and discuss your latest work with your peers in a friendly environment. Whether you are presenting a poster, giving your first talk, or practicing for larger conferences, everyone is welcome!

BSM 2019: Frontiers of Seismology: 4-6 September, 2019 Edinburgh

The British Seismology Meeting (BSM2019: Frontiers of Seismology) aims to bring together seismologists from the UK and abroad, from both industry and academia to present and discuss a wide range of seismological research. The aim is to cover all aspects of seismology. We propose the following list of possible themes:

  • earthquake seismology
  • seismic hazard and risk
  • micro-seismicity
  • nuclear test monitoring
  • induced seismicity
  • seismic engineering
  • exploration seismology
  • imaging the earth at all scales
  • seismic instrumentation
  • dealing with big data
  • earthquake catalogues

The British Geophysical Association and the Near Surface Geophysics Group of the Geological Society of London are pleased to announce that 2019’s New Advances in Geophysics meeting will focus on Geophysics in the Critical Zone the upper 10s of metres of the ground that dominate our interactions with geology.

The drive towards sustainable economic development requires, more than ever, an understanding of the relationship between society and the geology on which it is built.  The properties of the near-surface environment, and the processes acting in it, affect us daily – in the foundations of our cities, the aquifers which store our water, and the soils that grow our food and preserve our history.

The near-surface represents a uniquely challenging environment for geophysical surveys, comprising diverse natural and man-made materials, extreme changes in local ground conditions, and a complex range of subsurface processes. Nonetheless, geophysicists have developed methods to address these challenges.  This meeting highlights modern geophysical approaches to understand the near-surface environment, and showcases future directions for the discipline.

The meeting was held on 11th-12th November 2019, at The Geological Society on London’s Piccadilly – Website can be found here


Over the last 20-30 years the UK has played a leading role in the development, deployment and analysis of passive seismic data.  This ranges from microseismic monitoring on faults, volcanoes or for energy production, to large scale imaging of the crust and mantle to understand tectonic/geodynamic processes. Recently there has been a move towards collecting large data sets, both spatially and temporally. This includes an increasing use of low power, easy to deploy land sensors and marine acquisition through ocean bottom seismometers or autonomous drones. This meeting was a chance to learn from past experiences, think about what the next 20-30 years will bring. Sessions and panel discussions had a mix academic and industrial participants to generate a blend of new ideas.

Link to Website

Link to Astronomy and Geophysics Article

BGA Postgraduate Research in Progress Meeting, 13-14 September, 2018, Cardiff
The BGA Postgraduate Research in Progress conference has come to a close for another year. This year saw postgraduate researchers in geophysics and related fields descend upon the Welsh capital, Cardiff, for two days of soaking up fascinating talks and posters on people’s PhD projects. Guests were also treated to talks by Dr Anna Horleston (University of Bristol), Dr Paula Koelemeijer (University of Oxford), and Professor Robert White (University of Cambridge). Thanks once again to everyone who came to make 2018 such a great meeting!
View the Programme!

Discussion Workshop on Educational and Citizen seismology: 15-16 February, 2018 London



In an ever changing and evolving political environment, global security will remain at the forefront of international discourse for many years to come. High-resolution monitoring, timely assessment and accurate interpretation of security-relevant events in the geosphere will be vital for building and maintaining trust between peoples and nations. The application and development of a diverse range of geophysical techniques to this global challenge is the focus of the 2018 New Advances in Geophysics (NAG) conference, which will be jointly organised by the British Geophysical Association and the Near Surface Geophysics Group of the Geological Society.

 Evolution of new technologies and threats, and advances in covert operations mean that we need novel methods of monitoring the geosphere, and intelligent ways of analysing and interpreting geophysical data. There is a diverse toolbox of techniques that we, as a scientific community, can use to address relevant questions and issues:

  • Global seismic monitoring and numerical modelling of nuclear explosions and other events of interest
  • Satellite-based geophysical monitoring of sites of interest
  • Development of UAV-borne geophysical survey platforms for challenging and unsafe environments
  • Application of archaeogeophysical methods to site inspections
  • Environmental impacts of testing and storage of nuclear, chemical, biological and conventional weapons
  • Application of industry techniques such as 4D seismics to model changes in subsurface characteristics following underground explosions
  • Many more…

On behalf of the BGA and the NSGG, the conveners invite you to contribute papers on this theme to the 2018 NAG meeting. We also welcome contributions with a different scientific focus, but which use methods or techniques that may have potential for application to this topic.


Rock, Geo-, Palaeo-, and environmental magnetism: 4-5 January, 2018 Oxford
The meeting brought together members of the magnetism community to discuss current research and possible collaborations in a relaxed and informal setting. Students, particularly those in the early stages of their studies were encouraged to participate and present.


BGA Postgraduate Research in Progress Meeting, 31 August-1 September, 2017, Aberdeen

The BGA held its annual 2-day postgraduate research in progress meeting for postgraduate students in the granite city and is sponsored by the University of Aberdeen, BP and the BGA.

The abstract booklet is available in the link below



UK-SEDI – the frontiers of deep Earth research: 12 May, 2017 London

The 2017 UK-SEDI meeting was a one-day RAS specialist discussion meeting on all aspects of the deep Earth, including mantle and core processes, observations and


Invited speakers:  Alex Fournier (IPGP) and Matt Jackson (UCSB)

The study of Earth’s deep interior (‘SEDI’) seeks to explain how our planet formed, how it came to look like it does today, and, at a fundamental level, how it works as an entire system.  At this specialist discussion meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society, researchers from the UK and around the world coalesced in London to present new work on these questions, and assess the current state-of-the-art thinking on how we can improve our understanding in the future.

Some of the most basic constraints on what the Earth is made up of come from observations of the chemicals which combine to form the rocks we can see at the surface.  The exact combinations of elements and their isotopes can be analysed to infer how a given geological setting was formed.  Matt Jackson of the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA gave an invited presentation covering the use of elemental and isotopic analyses to track material that has been ‘hidden’ from view for perhaps billions of years.  Helium-3 is an isotope of helium with one less neutron than usual, and the Earth can only have gathered atoms of this from the solar nebula during its formation.  Yet at certain points on the Earth’s surface called ‘hot-spots’ there is much more of this isotope than elsewhere.  Prof Jackson argued that these regions are preferentially present above places where the Earth’s mantle is also seismically slower than usual, and probably hotter too.  This all may suggest that these helium-3 atoms are being brought to the surface by the movement of the mantle from depths of thousands of kilometres in a hot plume.

This exposition then set the scene for a series of excellent talks by young and established researchers from the UK, France and both coasts of the USA.  In fact, 16 international research institutions were represented, and with the BGA’s generous support, eight early-career researchers were awarded travel grants to help them attend.

Another mystery of the Earth is just how it comes to have a magnetic field; one which arguably makes life possible by protecting us from harmful material from the Sun.  Alex Fournier of the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France explained the recent progress towards being able to create realistic computer simulations of the creation of the magnetic field by the Earth’s liquid outer core.  These ‘geodynamo’ models need to match some properties of the real core, for example that it rotates once a day, and has a viscosity making it about as runny as water.  However, we currently don’t have fast enough computers to reach these parameters, and we must make some approximations.  Instead, it would be useful to be able to ‘project’ the results of the simulations we can perform to the correct rotation rate, viscosity, and so on.  Prof Fournier suggested a way to do this based on analysis of many different geodynamo calculations, where picking the correct parameters to match becomes critical.

In between, the meeting heard of progress in understanding the basic properties of Earth materials, using experiments and computer simulations; observations of mysterious structures within the mantle using seismic waves; new models of core convection; seismic observations of the enigmatic solid inner core; and a new idea on how the planet Mercury may have formed.  A poster session during lunch also allowed the many scientists to present and discuss their work.

One of the many things to have emerged from the contributions from the many attendees is that whilst we once thought of the interior of the Earth as a simple place, in fact as our observations of it improve, and as our theoretical understanding of it increases, we now realise that the planet’s insides are fare more complicated than we ever expected.  It seems appropriate then to reconvene and once more compare notes in the not-too-distant future.

The BGA funding was designed for offering travel grants

GPS training course: 2-5 May, 2017 Bristol

The British Geophysical Association sponsored a recent training course, hosted by the University of Bristol, on using the GAMIT/GLOBK software suite to process raw GPS data. The course took place on Tuesday 2nd to Friday 5th May 2017. It was organized by Juliet Biggs, from the School of Earth Sciences at Bristol, and led by Dr Michael Floyd, a Research Scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States, where the software is maintained and developed.In total, 12 people participated in the course, of whom five are graduate students in geophysics at UK universities, with the rest being researchers at institutions in the UK, France, Italy and the Czech Republic.

The course consisted of a series of lectures on the theoretical fundamentals of GPS data processing and the practical use of the software, plus hands-on tutorial sessions where the participants progressed towards their own scientific goals using their own GPS data. The lectures covered GPS data file formats and translations for input to GAMIT, basic GPS phase data processing using GAMIT, time series and velocity product generation using GLOBK, and the principles of error analysis at each of these stages. There was also an opportunity to view and experiment with GPS field equipment.

The week was a resounding success – Dr Floyd commented on the strong progress by the course participants, and the immediate verbal feedback from the participants was very positive. We have already received enquiries about similar courses in the future, with several participants expressing an interest in sending their colleagues and students. The course schedule and lecture material may be accessed at

British Seismology Meeting – organized by the International Seismological Centre: 5-7 April, 2017 Reading

This exciting meeting organised by the ISC brought together seismologists from the UK and  abroad to present and discuss a wide range of seismological research. The conference hosted professional seismologists from both industry and academia to discuss methods and results from all areas of seismology, such as: earthquake seismology, seismic hazard, micro-seismicity, nuclear test monitoring, induced seismicity, seismic engineering and exploration.

Thanks to BGA sponsorship, the organizing committee hosted invited talks by Torsten Dahm (GFZ), Steven Gibbons (NORSAR), Tom Mitchell (UCL), Tarje Nissen-Meyer (Oxford), Andy Nowacki (Leeds), and Eleonore Stutzmann (IPGP). 

The Scientific schedule is presented here.

Magnetic Interactions: 5-7 January, 2017 Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh hosted the 2017 Magnetic Interactions meeting. Invited speakers included Trevor Almeida, Jay Shah, Lennart de Groot and Barbara A Maher. BGA funding was used to support the following exciting scientific program.


NAG-TSG-VMSG Joint Assembly: 4-6 January, 2017 Liverpool

During the first week of January almost 450 geoscientists from across the UK and further afield descended upon the University of Liverpool for the first Joint Assembly of the Tectonic Study Group (TSG), the Volcanic and Magmatic Study Group (VMSG) and the British Geophysical Association (BGA).

With a key aim to generate synergy between the groups, and foster new connections and collaborations, the Joint Assembly saw two days of disciplinary, specialist sessions running in parallel, split by a joint day of multi- and cross-disciplinary presentations with broad appeal. The conference received acclaim for its success in celebrating the latest developments in volcanology, tectonics and geophysics via an engaging scientific programme, not least thanks to a number of exciting keynote speakers, including BGA’s invited speaker, Prof. Freysteinn Sigmundsson from the Nordic Volcanological Center at the University of Iceland, who gave an engaging overview of the activity associated with the recent eruption at Bardarbunga, Iceland.

The BGA’s contribution to the meeting also provided the social lubricant at the Ice-breaker, which on the first night was accompanied by a 200-strong poster session. This, the first official extracurricular event of the conference (not counting the pre-conference Meet & Greet at McCooleys bar, at which some attendees met-and-greeted into the small hours), kicked off a packed social calendar, in which geophysicists, geologists and volcanologists alike could be seen… dancing the night away to the Macarena! Perhaps a little of the Liverpool spirit rubbed off on everyone, and, more importantly a little collaborative energy which, with any luck, will ensure that this is the first of many Joint Assemblies in the years to come!

Report by Jackie Kendrick

Abstract book is here  joint_assembly_2017

and a few photos by Felix von Aulock



BGA Postgraduate Research in Progress Meeting, 1-2 September, 2016, London

We are pleased to report that the 2016 BGA PGRiP meeting was at UCL. The meeting brought together geophysics postgraduate students from across the UK. There were 72 attendees presenting a total of 26 talks and 35 posters.




UK Antarctic Science Conference: 5-7 July, 2016 University of East Anglia

The UK Antarctic Science Conference 2016 was held at The Enterprise Centre, University of East Anglia from Tuesday 5 July to Thursday 7 July. There were 90 participants, with 34 poster presentations and 34 oral presentations, as well as an invited public lecture by David Wilson on the Shackleton Expedition to Antarctica (audience ~150 people). The research presented was cutting-edge and varied, ranging from biology to geophysics to improvements in field logistics. There were several associated meetings during the conference such as the UK Polar Network meeting, UKAAP steering committee meeting and ANTVOLC Antarctic Volcanoes meeting. Prizes for best student presentations went to Benjamin Butler (Bangor University) for best talk and Jesamine Bartlett (University of Birmingham) for best poster. A good time was had by all, particularly at the conference barbeque, when the weather cooperated and attendees were able to enjoy the UEA campus. The much-appreciated donation from the BGA helped toward refreshments during the conference.



2nd International Workshop on Martian Gullies: “Martian Gullies and their Earth Analogies”: 20-21 June, 2016 London

This conference was attended by 52 Earthlings and was a stellar presentation of Mars related researchers  The main focus was on gullies but also encompassed contributions on associated landforms, such as recurring slope lineae (RSL), glacier-like forms, “solifluction” lobes, patterned ground, impact craters, dunes, etc, with the caveat that they impact on our understanding of gully-formation or modification.


Mars Final abstract book


Seismix: 15-20 May, 2016 Aviemore, Scotland

The 17th International Seismix Symposium was held at the Macdonald Aviemore Resort in Aviemore, Scotland, from May 15-20 2016. A total of 150 delegates from 23 different countries were in attendance, making it one of the largest in the history of the conference series. 82 talks and 89 posters were presented over the course of six days, with highlights including (1) Richard Hobbs presenting an after dinner talk on BURPS on the first evening of the conference; (2) Hans Thybo (President of EGU) opening the conference; (3) 16 keynote speakers from all over the world covering a range of topics from passive seismic imaging of continents to near surface seismic imaging using active sources; (4) the mid-week field excursion to Loch Ness, Urquhart Castle and Glen Ord Distillary; (5) the conference dinner, which was held at Restaurant 1097 at the top of Cairngorm Mountain; and (6) the post-conference fieldtrip to NW Scotland and the outer Hebrides. The BGA is gratefully acknowledged for their sponsorship, which was used towards the cost of hiring audio-visual equipment and poster boards



BGA New Advances in Geophysics meeting: 11-12 February, 2016 London

The British Geophysical Association’s New Advances in Geophysics meeting on “Integrated Imaging of the Earth” was held 11-12 February 2016 at the Royal Astronomical Society, Burlington House, London. There were 53 people in attendance, of which 16 were students. Invited presenters were Niklas Linde (Switzerland), Tony Lowry (US) and Javier Fullea (Ireland). In addition there were 11 regular talks and 7 pre-registered posters although a few additional ones were put up in the poster sessions. The BGA contributed funding towards invited speakers costs, the conference dinner, and RAS catering.

The meeting program and abstract booklet is available here

And the meeting webpage is available at

Magnetic Interactions: 7-8 January, 2016 London

Imperial College London hosted Magnetic Interactions 2016, attracting 47 geomagnetists from around the UK, ranging from senior professors to undergraduate students, as well as representatives from Agico and Bartington Instruments. Two days of presentations sandwiched an evening poster session, with topics spanning geomagnetism, archaeomagnetism, extraterrestrial magnetism, advances in fundamental rock magnetic analysis, and micromagnetic modelling. Andy Biggin from the University of Liverpool, Paddy Ó Conbhuí from the University of Edinburgh, and Ioan Lascu from the University of Cambridge, were invited to give extended presentations of their recent successes in geomagnetism and magnetic modelling. The BGA sponsored awards for the Best Student Presentation and Best Student Poster. Claire Nichols from the University of Cambridge was awarded with the best presentation for her engaging talk about the “Paleomagnetic and compositional insight into the formation and impact history of the IAB parent body”. The best poster was awarded to Helena Bates from Imperial College London for her poster on “Using X-rays to Map the Magnetism in the Vigarano Carbonaceous Chondrite Meteorite”. The meeting was generously supported by Agico, ASC Scientific, Bartington Instruments, the BGA, Magnetic Measurements, the Mineralogical Society, and Lakeshore Cyrotonics.

Abstract booklet


BGA Postgraduate Research in Progress Meeting, 10-11 September, 2015, Southampton


Abstract booklet

The University of Southampton/NOCS recently hosted the 2015 British Geophysical Association Postgraduate Research in Progress Meeting. The meeting brought together 43 postgraduate students to present their research across a wide range of fields, including: passive and active seismology, geomagnetism, resistivity, numerical modeling, CO2 storage and crater formation. Attendees commented on the high standard of research presented by all postgraduates. The award for best talk was given to Robert Green, University of Cambridge, for his talk titled, “Triggered Earthquakes Suppressed by an Evolving Stress Shadow from a Propagating Dyke; Bárðarbunga Volcano, Iceland”. The award for best poster was given to Simon Stephenson, University of Cambridge, for his poster titled, “A Cenozoic Record of Uplift, Erosion and Dynamic Support: Examples from Madagascar”. The 2015 Bullerwell Lecture (an annual award from the BGA) was presented by Professor Tim Wright, University of Leeds. His presentation entitled “The Earthquake deformation cycle and seismic hazard in the continents” was an engaging look at the implications for the mechanics of fault zones and the strength of the continental lithosphere based on a review of results from satellite geodesy. Alongside this presentations were given by Jason Morgan, Royal Holloway on serpentinisation in bend-faults and by Gareth Collins, Imperial College on lunar impact craters, both talks gave fascinating insights into two novel areas of research.

Holistic rock physics meeting: 6-10 September, 2015 Ambleside, Lake District

The recently held 11th EURO Conference on Rock Physics and Geomechanics was generously supported by the British Geolophysical Association. The meeting focused on the concept of ‘holistic rock physics’; bringing together field, numerical and experimental studies to provide a deeper understanding of rock physics and geomechanical problems. The conference succeeded in engaging high proportion of the leading players in the field, as well as providing an excellent platform for early career researchers to network with researchers from not only Europe, but across the world. Within this, the BGA sponsorship enabled us to provide a ‘zero-fee’ student place at the conference, which was awarded to Roseanne Murray. She presented a poster  on the ‘Architecture and frictional properties of faults in shale’. In Roseanne’s own words: “I just wanted to say thank you again for my zero-fee sponsorship, especially from the BGA. I thoroughly enjoyed the conference, and definitely have acquired lots of ideas for my PhD. I especially enjoyed Chris Spiers keynote lecture”.

The conference revolved around a format of 25 minute talks, and poster sessions which were preceded by ‘pico’ talks. These 2 minute summary talks enabled everyone presenting posters at the conference to introduce  their work in the lecture hall, and it was widely seen as a great success in giving people a focus when going into the poster sessions. The format lead to a great deal of high quality discussion, capitilised on with a pair of field trips into the local Borrowdale Volcanic geology and an active social programme in the evenings. We consider the conference was a great success, and we are grateful to the BGA for their support.


Abstract booklet

From Hooke to Helioseismology: 9-10 April, 2015 Leicester

The UK’s contribution to seismology – past, present and future


Meeting website

Abstract booklet

On two glorious days, April 9th and 10th of this year, over 100 delegates were drawn to the new conference centre, ‘College Court’ at the University of Leicester to hear 22 speakers talk on a wide range of subject in the science.  They were also presented with 26 posters on various aspects of seismology, to examine and discuss with research staff, students and others from universities, institutes, and industry from the UK, Australia, Ethiopia, Germany, Malta, Switzerland, and the United States.  The meeting had been sponsored by a plethora of groups; the British Geophysical Association, the Royal Astronomical Society, the Geological Society of London, the History of Physics Group of the Institute of Physics, Ophir Energy plc, Shell International Exploration and Production, with a reception being sponsored by Guralp Systems Ltd.  The mix of academic, institute researcher and commercial scientist ensured a vigorous meeting, full of lively debate and discussion.  The nature of the meeting, which as well as highlighting some of the – to the older participants ‘astonishing’ – ground-breaking studies of today, looked back to both the emergence of the science in the 18th and 19th Centuries and before, but also to work undertaken in the 20th Century, in particular that undertaken by many of those present. The BGA funds were used towards meeting the registration, accommodation and subsistence expenses of the 18 speakers for 2 full days.

Tectonics from Above: 13 March, 2015 London

There were ten speakers altogether, six from overseas, four from the UK. Of the overseas speakers, two were from the USA, three from France and one from Germany. A quick head count during the morning session came to 51. Most were from the UK, although we did have a scientist from INGV in Rome, and a research student from Paris, who came specifically for this meeting. We had advertised the meeting informally through colleagues in France and Italy. The BGA contributed to the costs of the meeting was much appreciated by the meeting organizers.

The BGA New Advances in Geophysics meeting: 5-6 February, 2015 London

Abstract booklet

The annual British Geophysical Association – New Advances in Geophysics meeting was held on 5th & 6th February 2015 at the Geological Society of London, Burlington House. The theme of the meeting was the “The Lithosphere–Asthenosphere Boundary: Nature of the Tectonic Plates”. The meeting was convened by Dr. Catherine Rychert (University of Southampton) and Dr. Satish Singh (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris). This meeting brought together world leading researchers from a wide array of disciplines to better understand the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary and the nature of the tectonic plates. The meeting was kicked off by talks that used multiple techniques including surface waves, body waves and active source seismology to image discontinuity structure beneath oceans. Laboratory experiments on olivine, which provided constraints on the nature of the lithosphere asthenosphere boundary, were also presented. Experiments are being conducted to image the LAB using high resolution active source seismic techniques. The meeting was supported primarily by the BGA and additional support was provided by the British Geological Survey, University of Southampton, National Oceanography Centre, Mineralogical Society and Geomatrix Earth Science Ltd. Fund from BGA was used to pay for catering at the Geological Society.

Magnetic Interactions: 7-8 January, 2015 London

Abstract booklet

On 7-8 January the School of Earth & Environment, University of Leeds hosted Magnetic Interactions 2015. This year’s meeting bought together approximately 40 researchers from over a dozen institutions within the UK and abroad, with participants from east Asia, North and South America. Professors, post-docs and students presented talks and posters on their work on geological, geophysical and environmental applications of magnetism. The research topics spanned length scales from the nano- to the global, included developments in laboratory equipment, numerical modelling, and measurements of potsherds, pallasites and more. Meeting costs were covered by the generous support of the British Geophysical Association, the Mineral Physics Group of the Mineralogical Society, Bartington Instruments, and Magnetic Measurements.

One Comment on “Recent meetings

  1. I attended the 2016 BGA Postgraduate Research in Progress meeting and thought it was fabulous. Thanks to the organizing committee at UCL. Thanks also to the BGA for maintaining a real-time update of their upcoming meetings.


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